Easter Party Games and Activities
These Easter Party Games and Activities will help you plan a super fun party whether in the classroom or at home!
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Easter Party Games
By using this key you can find party games for Toddlers, Preschoolers and School-Age children.
= Toddler
= Preschooler
= School-Age

Egg toss - Draw a starting line (or a piece of string on carpet) and have the kids toss plastic eggs into an Easter basket. The most eggs wins! Make the line closer for younger children and farther for older children. You may also want to set a time limit for older kids – the most eggs in a minute wins!

Spoon Race - Use plastic or real eggs. Who ever can balance the egg on their spoon to the finish line first wins! OR make this a Peep race. Use marshmallow peeps on the spoons – make it more challenging by having participants hold the spoon in their mouths, or have them climb around, over or through different obstacles.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny - A classic game, if you can’t find one to buy you can print our
FREE Printable Pin the Tail on the Bunny Game! This needs to be printed on Legal size paper (8.5 X 14)

Egg Match - Make eggs from different colored paper and cut in half. Give a half to each child and have them find their match. The pair that finds each other first wins! Use white cardstock and color eggs with markers. OR buy foam eggs from a craft store and decorate.

Peep Race - Tie peeps on a string and hang them (a suspension rod works well in a hall way). Have the kids race to see who can eat the peep the fastest with their hands behind their backs.

Feed the Bunny Bean Bag Toss - Get a large piece of cardboard and cut out a bunny face with a big hole for the mouth. Have the kids throw bean bags (rolled up clean socks work too). The child with the most wins! Take it the extra step by using green bean bags so it looks like lettuce or orange for carrots!

Fill the Basket This is a great game for a classroom or large group of children. Get many plastic eggs and separate them by color. Scatter them around the party area and divide the kids into teams. One team collects purple eggs, another yellow, and another green and so on. Give each child a spoon to collect and carry the eggs. The team that gets all their eggs in their basket first wins!
Pass the Egg Please - Have all the children sit in a circle and pass an egg with only their feet. When you drop it your out, last one left wins!

Nosy Egg Roll - Have the kids line up on a (clean) floor. Race to the finish line pushing an egg only with their nose.

Freeze Dance with Easter music - Last person to freeze when the music stops is out – last person dancing wins!

Easter Relay - Arrange a pile of eggs and make a starting line. Kids must “waddle like a duck” or “hop like a bunny” to the eggs, who ever gets there first wins!

Egg Roll - This is an outdoor activity. Using chalk draw a starting line. Draw three circles, each circle should be further from the starting line. Each circle is worth points; the first circle is 5 points, the second is 10 and so on. Kids roll eggs on the ground and try to get as many points as they can by rolling the egg in the circle (either real or plastic depending on how much mess you’re willing to clean up!). This game can be altered for different age groups; if doing this game with preschoolers put the circles very close to the starting line, the circles can be moved back for older children. If you have many kids at your party you may want to set up two or more game areas.

Easter Tag - Just like regular tag except the participants must hop like a bunny!

Jumbo Easter Memory Game - Print out 10 pairs of Easter pictures (or draw the pictures). Lay them on the floor, mixed up, and have the kids take turns trying to find pairs, by turning two over at a time. Who ever has the most pairs wins! Use heavy paper like cardstock so the cards are sturdy (laminate them if you want to use them year after year). You can use our
FREE Easter coloring pages for this game. Print two of each and make sure you color them the same!

Christian – read a short version of the Easter story, talk about how they rolled the stone from the tomb. Have a relay race pushing the stone to the finish line using a ball.
Game Prizes
One option is to have a “thanks for trying” basket filled with smaller prizes to give out to all so no one feels left out.
• Of course check your dollar store or local discount department store – they are always filled with tons of inexpensive Easter trinkets.
• Buy icing bags from the cake decorating section of your local craft store. Icing bags are triangular and when filled with orange jelly beans look just like a carrot! Tie at the top with a green pipe cleaner and strips of green felt and you’re all set!
• As each person wins a game they pick an egg out of a basket. The number written in the egg corresponds with a number on a prize.
• Make your own Easter Pencil Toppers with pipe cleaners and google eyes
• Make Bunny Awards for your Easter Bonnet or egg hunt winner(s) by using a foil-wrapped bunny or egg glued on top of a box or our template
Easter Party Activities
By using this key you can find party activities for Toddlers, Preschoolers and School-Age children.
= Toddler
= Preschooler
= School-Age

Have a basket filled with plastic eggs. On small pieces of note paper write "you're a winner" and "sorry" and stick the notes into the eggs. On arrival have your guests pick out an egg to see if it’s a winner. Give away small chocolate bunnies or other Easter trinkets as the prizes.

While waiting for all the guests to arrive have a container of markers and crayons on the table with
Easter coloring pages,
word searches, etc., to keep the party goers entertained.

Easter Bonnet contest - You can ask your guests to come with a bonnet or buy some inexpensive hats (oriental trading) and lots of inexpensive Easter craft supplies. Make sure you have Easter grass, foam shapes work great (stay away from plastic things because they don’t glue very well). Do this at the beginning of the party so glue has time to dry. Have an Easter bonnet parade and give out
Bunny Awards for most creative, most colorful, etc..
Variation: Tell the kids to bring their favorite stuffed animal and that there will be a Easter Bonnet parade for the stuffed animals - give the kids pipe cleaners and other craft supplies to make the hats and give out prizes for most colorful, tallest, ect.

Egg hunt - There are many variations of egg hunts; how you will do this may depend on the age of the children attending your party, or you may want to separate the children into age groups if you are having a large party. We've devoted a section to Egg Hunts, so make sure you....
~ Check out all of our Easter Egg Hunt Ideas ~ •

Egg decorating - There are many variations depending on the age of the children attending your party. For toddlers and preschoolers use plastic eggs and decorate with stickers or self-adhesive foam shapes. Older children can decorate real eggs with paint.

Cookie decorating - Make bunny and egg-shaped sugar cookies and have the kids ice and decorate their eggs and bunnies with M&Ms, jelly beans and other Easter candy.

Pinata – If you’re planning to have a piñata at your Easter party turn it into a “Pinata Treasure Hunt.” Hide the piñata somewhere and draw a map where to find it. Make a map on our
FREE printable Easter stationery.
Pinata variation: Use a bunch of plastic eggs and string them all together. Fill the eggs and close them. Hang your eggs, blindfold the children and have them hit the eggs with a stick… the eggs will break open and the candy will fall out, what ever you break is yours. Make sure you buy the eggs with the air holes in them (so you can string them)– most do but check to be sure!

Decorate T-shirts - Have an outline of an egg or bunny on each t-shirt to start. Have the kids design their own unique Easter shirt with fabric pens/paints. Make sure you do this one at the beginning of the party so the shirts have time to dry before the party ends!
Make this easier for younger children by cutting shapes from sponges and dipping them into the fabric paint.
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